Source code for pyenzyme.thinlayers.TL_Copasi

# """
# File:
# Project: ThinLayers
# Author: Jan Range
# Author: Frank Bergmann
# License: BSD-2 clause
# -----
# Last Modified: Wednesday June 23rd 2021 10:25:11 pm
# Modified By: Jan Range (<>)
# -----
# Copyright (c) 2021 Institute of Biochemistry and Technical Biochemistry Stuttgart
# """

This module contains the COPASI ThinLayer:

To use it, simply instantiate it using an EnzymeML Document. This will estimate all parameters of the enzyme ml
document (all temporary data will be stored in working_dir).

    >>> tl = ThinLayerCopasi(path='Model4.omex', outdir='./working_dir')
    >>> tl.optimize()

    This would return a pandas dataframe with the fit found, to write it into a new document you'd use:

    >>> new_doc = tl.write()

In order to change the settings of the parameter estimation, or to change the loaded model we recommend to use
`basico <>`_. so after initializing the thinlayer, you'd load the model into basico.
For example here is how you'd switch the method to particle swarm:

    >>> from basico import *
    >>> tl = ThinLayerCopasi(path='Model4.omex', outdir='./working_dir')
    >>> set_current_model(
    >>> set_task_settings(T.PARAMETER_ESTIMATION,
    ...              {
    ...                  'method': {'name': PE.PARTICLE_SWARM }
    ...              })

If the modle is loaded into basico, you can easily plot the results as well. The COPASI file (.cps) in the working
directory can also be directly used from the COPASI Graphical User Interface.


import logging
from typing import Union, Optional

from pyenzyme.thinlayers import BaseThinLayer
import os
import pandas as pd
from builtins import enumerate

    import COPASI
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
    ThinLayerCopasi is not available. 
    To use it, please install the following dependencies:

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ThinLayerCopasi(BaseThinLayer): def __init__(self, path, outdir, measurement_ids: Union[str, list] = "all", init_file: Optional[str] = None): """ Initializes a new instance of the COPASI thin layer, by loading the EnzymeML file specified in `path` and creating a COPASI file (+ data) in `outdir`. :param path: the enzyme ml document to load :param outdir: the output dir :param measurement_ids: the measurement ids or all :param init_file: optional initialization file for fit items """ # check dependencies if _COPASI_IMPORT_ERROR: raise RuntimeError(_COPASI_IMPORT_ERROR) # initialize base class, let it do the reading BaseThinLayer.__init__( self, path, measurement_ids, init_file=init_file) = self.working_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(outdir), self.cps_file = os.path.join(self.working_dir, + '.cps') if not os.path.exists(self.working_dir): os.makedirs(self.working_dir) # now initialize the COPASI document from it = COPASI.CRootContainer.addDatamodel() try: except COPASI.CCopasiException: log.error(COPASI.CCopasiMessage.getAllMessageText()) # maps self._init_maps() # variables self.model = self.task ='Parameter Estimation') self.task.setScheduled(True) self.task.setUpdateModel(False) self.task.setMethodType(COPASI.CTaskEnum.Method_LevenbergMarquardt) self.problem = self.task.getProblem() self.problem.setCalculateStatistics(True) self.exp_set = self.problem.getExperimentSet() # read in experiments self._import_experiments() # set all parameters as fit items if init_file is None: self._set_default_items() else: self._set_default_items_from_init_file(), True) def _init_maps(self): """Initializes a map from SBML id to COPASI objects""" self.sbml_id_map = {} for item in self.sbml_id_map[item.getSBMLId()] = item for item in self.sbml_id_map[item.getSBMLId()] = item for item in self.sbml_id_map[item.getSBMLId()] = item for item in self.sbml_id_map[item.getSBMLId()] = item def _get_cn_for_item(self, item): """Resolves the given item to CN or None :param item: dictionary with 'name' and optionally 'reaction_id' :type item: dict :return: the CN if found, or None :rtype: COPASI.CCommonName """ reaction = None if 'reaction_id' in item and item['reaction_id'] in self.sbml_id_map: reaction = self.sbml_id_map[item['reaction_id']] if 'name' in item: if reaction is not None: return reaction.getParameterObjects(item['name'])[0].getCN() mv = self.model.getModelValue(item['name']) if mv is not None: return mv.getInitialValueReference().getCN() metab = self.model.getMetabolite(item['name']) if metab is not None: return metab.getInitialConcentrationReference().getCN() return None def _import_experiments(self): """ Writes all experiments to TSV file and performs mapping in COPASI :return: None """ for measurement_id, measurement_dict in sbml_ids = measurement_dict['data'].columns.to_list() data = measurement_dict['data'] for k, v in measurement_dict['initConc'].items(): data = data.join(pd.DataFrame({'init_{0}'.format(k): [v[0]]})) sbml_ids.append('init_{0}'.format(k)) # validate value if k in data.columns: initial_value = data[data['time'] == 0.0][k] if not initial_value.empty and float(initial_value) != v[0]: log.warning(f'The initial value of "{k}" in experiment "{measurement_id}" ' f'is inconsistent with the specified initial concentration: ' f'{float(initial_value)} != {v[0]}') exp_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( self.working_dir, measurement_id + '.tsv')) data.to_csv(exp_filename, sep='\t', header=True, index=False) exp = COPASI.CExperiment( exp.setObjectName( '{0}'.format(measurement_id) ) exp.setFirstRow(1) exp.setLastRow(data.shape[0] + 1) exp.setHeaderRow(1) exp.setFileName(exp_filename) exp.setExperimentType(COPASI.CTaskEnum.Task_timeCourse) exp.setSeparator('\t') exp.setNumColumns(len(sbml_ids)) exp = self.exp_set.addExperiment(exp) info = COPASI.CExperimentFileInfo(self.exp_set) info.setFileName(exp_filename) # Mapping from .tsv file to COPASI bindings obj_map = exp.getObjectMap() obj_map.setNumCols(data.shape[1]) for i, col in enumerate(sbml_ids): if col == "time": role = COPASI.CExperiment.time obj_map.setRole(i, role) elif col in self.sbml_id_map.keys(): role = COPASI.CExperiment.dependent obj_map.setRole(i, role) obj_map.setObjectCN(i, self.sbml_id_map[col] .getConcentrationReference().getCN().getString()) elif col.startswith('init_') and col[5:] in self.sbml_id_map.keys(): role = COPASI.CExperiment.independent obj_map.setRole(i, role) obj_map.setObjectCN(i, self.sbml_id_map[col[5:]] .getInitialConcentrationReference().getCN().getString()) else: role = COPASI.CExperiment.ignore obj_map.setRole(i, role)
[docs] def get_fit_parameters(self): """ Returns all fit items specified as a list of dictionaries of the form [ { 'name': 'km', 'start': 0.1, 'lower': 1e-6, 'upper': 1e6, 'reaction_id': 'r1' } ... ] :return: list of dictionaries with fit items :rtype: [{}] """ result = [] for i in range(self.problem.getOptItemSize()): p = self.problem.getOptItem(i) assert (isinstance(p, COPASI.COptItem)) obj = if obj is None: continue name = obj.getObjectName() if obj.getObjectType( ) != "Reference" else obj.getObjectParent().getObjectName() r = obj.getObjectAncestor('Reaction') reaction_id = r.getSBMLId() if r else None result.append({ 'name': name, 'start': p.getStartValue(), 'lower': p.getLowerBoundValue(), 'upper': p.getUpperBoundValue(), 'reaction_id': reaction_id }) return result
[docs] def set_fit_parameters(self, fit_parameters): """Replaces all fit items with the ones specified :param fit_parameters: list of dictionaries of the same form as returned by get_fit_parameters :return: None """ assert (isinstance(self.problem, COPASI.CFitProblem)) assert (isinstance(self.task, COPASI.CFitTask)) assert (isinstance(, COPASI.CDataModel)) for i in range(self.problem.getOptItemSize()): self.problem.removeOptItem(0) for item in fit_parameters: if 'name' not in item: continue cn = self._get_cn_for_item(item) if cn is None: continue fit_item = self.problem.addFitItem(cn) assert (isinstance(fit_item, COPASI.CFitItem)) if 'lower' in item: fit_item.setLowerBound(COPASI.CCommonName(str(item['lower']))) if 'upper' in item: fit_item.setUpperBound(COPASI.CCommonName(str(item['upper']))) if 'start' in item: fit_item.setStartValue(float(item['start']))
def _get_result(self): """Utility function adding a value column to the fit items :return: pandas dataframe with the result of the fit :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ fit_items = self.get_fit_parameters() new_values = [val for val in self.problem.getSolutionVariables()] sd_values = [val for val in self.problem.getVariableStdDeviations()] if len(fit_items) != len(new_values): logging.error('No results available yet, run `optimize` first.') return None for i, vals in enumerate(fit_items): vals['value'] = new_values[i] vals['std_deviation'] = sd_values[i] df = pd.DataFrame(data=fit_items).set_index('name') return df
[docs] def optimize(self, update_model=False): """ Carries out the Parameter estimation :param update_model: optional argument, indicating whether to update the model, so another optimization run would start with the solution found from the first run. :return: Pandas DataFrame with the results """ # run optimization self.task.setUpdateModel(update_model) if not self.task.initializeRaw(COPASI.CCopasiTask.OUTPUT_UI): log.error(COPASI.CCopasiMessage.getFirstMessage().getAllMessageText()) if not self.task.processRaw(True): log.error(COPASI.CCopasiMessage.getFirstMessage().getAllMessageText()) self.task.restore() return self._get_result()
[docs] def write(self): """Writes the estimated parameters to a copy of the EnzymeMLDocument""" nu_enzmldoc = self.enzmldoc.copy(deep=True) assert (isinstance(self.problem, COPASI.CFitProblem)) results = self.problem.getSolutionVariables() if self.problem.getOptItemSize() != results.size(): log.error('The optimization was not run yet, no update can be made') return nu_enzmldoc log.debug('OBJ: {0}'.format(self.problem.getSolutionValue())) log.debug('RMS: {0}'.format(self.problem.getRMS())) for i in range(self.problem.getOptItemSize()): item = self.problem.getOptItem(i) obj = if obj is None: continue name = obj.getObjectName() if obj.getObjectType( ) != 'Reference' else obj.getObjectParent().getObjectName() value = results.get(i) reaction = obj.getObjectAncestor('Reaction') if reaction is not None: enz_reaction = nu_enzmldoc.getReaction(reaction.getSBMLId()) if enz_reaction: parameter = enz_reaction.model.getParameter(name) parameter.value = value else: p = nu_enzmldoc.global_parameters.get(name) p.value = value return nu_enzmldoc
def _set_default_items(self): """ Initializes fit items from the local parameters specified in the reaction_data :return: None """ for reaction_id, data in self.reaction_data.items(): r = self.sbml_id_map[reaction_id] assert (isinstance(r, COPASI.CReaction)) for p in self.reaction_data[reaction_id][0].parameters: obj = r.getParameterObjects([0].getObject( COPASI.CCommonName('Reference=Value')) cn = obj.getCN() fit_item = self.problem.addFitItem(cn) assert (isinstance(fit_item, COPASI.CFitItem)) fit_item.setLowerBound(COPASI.CCommonName(str(1e-6))) fit_item.setUpperBound(COPASI.CCommonName(str(1e6))) fit_item.setStartValue(float(p.value)) def _set_default_items_from_init_file(self): """ Use this to create a default template, when an init file was passed to the thin layer and it has been already applied :return: None """ assert (isinstance(self.problem, COPASI.CFitProblem)) # remove old items while self.problem.getOptItemSize() > 0: self.problem.removeOptItem(0) for global_param in self.global_parameters.values(): if not global_param.lower or not global_param.upper: # nan values used to indicate that this should not be fitted continue mv = if not mv: log.warning( "No global parameter {0} in the model".format( continue value = global_param.value if global_param.value else global_param.initial_value if not value: raise ValueError( f"Neither initial_value nor value given for parameter {} in global parameters" ) cn = mv.getInitialValueReference().getCN() fit_item = self.problem.addFitItem(cn) assert (isinstance(fit_item, COPASI.CFitItem)) fit_item.setLowerBound(COPASI.CCommonName(str(global_param.lower))) fit_item.setUpperBound(COPASI.CCommonName(str(global_param.upper))) fit_item.setStartValue(float(value)) for reaction_id, (model, _) in self.reaction_data.items(): r = self.sbml_id_map[reaction_id] assert (isinstance(r, COPASI.CReaction)) for p in model.parameters: if p.is_global: continue if not p.lower or not p.upper: # nan values used to indicate that this should not be fitted continue value = p.value if p.value else p.initial_value if not value: raise ValueError( f"Neither initial_value nor value given for parameter {} in reaction {reaction_id}" ) obj = r.getParameterObjects([0].getObject( COPASI.CCommonName('Reference=Value')) cn = obj.getCN() fit_item = self.problem.addFitItem(cn) assert (isinstance(fit_item, COPASI.CFitItem)) fit_item.setLowerBound(COPASI.CCommonName(str(p.lower))) fit_item.setUpperBound(COPASI.CCommonName(str(p.upper))) fit_item.setStartValue(float(value))
if __name__ == '__main__': this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) filename = os.path.join(this_dir + "/../../", "examples/ThinLayers/COPASI/3IZNOK_Simulated.omex") assert os.path.exists(filename) thin_layer = ThinLayerCopasi( path=filename, outdir='./out' ) thin_layer.optimize() thin_layer.write()