Source code for

# File:
# Project: tools
# Author: Jan Range
# License: BSD-2 clause
# Copyright (c) 2022 Institute of Biochemistry and Technical Biochemistry Stuttgart

import os
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Optional
import libsbml
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pandas as pd
import tempfile

from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.creator import Creator
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.enzymemldocument import EnzymeMLDocument
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.protein import Protein
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.complex import Complex
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.reactant import Reactant
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.replicate import Replicate
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.unitdef import UnitDef
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.vessel import Vessel
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.measurement import Measurement
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.enzymereaction import EnzymeReaction, ReactionElement
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.models.kineticmodel import KineticModel, KineticParameter
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.ontology import DataTypes, EnzymeMLPart, SBOTerm
from pyenzyme.enzymeml.core.abstract_classes import (

from libsbml import SBMLReader
from libcombine import CombineArchive
from io import StringIO

# ! Factories

[docs]class ReactantFactory(AbstractSpeciesFactory): """Returns an un-initialized reactant species object""" enzymeml_part: str = "reactant_dict"
[docs] def get_species(self, **kwargs) -> AbstractSpecies: reactant = Reactant(**kwargs) reactant._unit_id = kwargs["_unit_id"] return reactant
[docs]class ProteinFactory(AbstractSpeciesFactory): """Returns an un-initialized protein species object""" enzymeml_part: str = "protein_dict"
[docs] def get_species(self, **kwargs) -> AbstractSpecies: protein = Protein(**kwargs) protein._unit_id = kwargs["_unit_id"] return protein
[docs]class ComplexFactory(AbstractSpeciesFactory): """Returns an un-initialized complex species object""" enzymeml_part: str = "complex_dict"
[docs] def get_species(self, **kwargs) -> AbstractSpecies: complex = Complex(**kwargs) complex._unit_id = kwargs["_unit_id"] return complex
[docs]def species_factory_mapping(sbo_term: str) -> AbstractSpeciesFactory: """Maps from SBOTerms to the appropriate species using a factory""" # Get the enum entity for the mapping entity = EnzymeMLPart.entityFromSBOTerm(sbo_term) factory_mapping = { "PROTEIN": ProteinFactory(), "SMALL_MOLECULE": ReactantFactory(), "ION": ReactantFactory(), "RADICAL": ReactantFactory(), "MACROMOLECULAR_COMPLEX": ComplexFactory(), "PROTEIN_COMPLEX": ComplexFactory(), "DIMER": ComplexFactory(), } return factory_mapping[entity]
[docs]class EnzymeMLReader:
[docs] def readFromFile(self, path: str) -> EnzymeMLDocument: """ Reads EnzymeML document to an object layer EnzymeMLDocument class. Args: path (str): Path to .omex container or folder destination for plain .xml """ if not path.endswith(".omex"): raise TypeError( f"File {os.path.basename(path)} is not a valid OMEX archive" ) # Read omex archive self.path = path self.archive = CombineArchive() self.archive.initializeFromArchive(self.path) content = self.archive.extractEntryToString("./experiment.xml") desc = self.archive.getMetadataForLocation("./experiment.xml") # Get previous logs log = self.archive.extractEntryToString("./history.log") # Read experiment file (sbml) reader = SBMLReader() document = reader.readSBMLFromString(content) document.getErrorLog().printErrors() model = document.getModel() # Initialize EnzymeMLDocument object self.enzmldoc = EnzymeMLDocument( name=model.getName(), level=model.getLevel(), version=model.getVersion() ) # Add logs to the document self.enzmldoc.log = log # Fetch references self._getRefs(model, self.enzmldoc) # Fetch Creators self._getCreators(omex_desc=desc, enzmldoc=self.enzmldoc) # try: # # TODO extract VCard # model_hist = model.getModelHistory() # enzmldoc.setCreated( # model_hist.getCreatedDate().getDateAsString() # ) # enzmldoc.setModified( # model_hist.getModifiedDate().getDateAsString() # ) # Fetch units unitDict = self._getUnits(model) self.enzmldoc.unit_dict = unitDict # Fetch Vessel vessel = self._getVessel(model, self.enzmldoc) self.enzmldoc.vessel_dict = vessel # Fetch Species protein_dict, reactant_dict, complex_dict = self._getSpecies( model, self.enzmldoc ) self.enzmldoc.reactant_dict = reactant_dict self.enzmldoc.protein_dict = protein_dict self.enzmldoc.complex_dict = complex_dict # fetch global parameters self._getGlobalParameters(model, self.enzmldoc) # fetch reaction reaction_dict = self._getReactions(model, self.enzmldoc) self.enzmldoc.reaction_dict = reaction_dict # fetch Measurements measurement_dict = self._getData(model, self.enzmldoc) self.enzmldoc.measurement_dict = measurement_dict # fetch added files self._getFiles(self.enzmldoc) del self.path return self.enzmldoc
@staticmethod def _sboterm_to_enum(sbo_term: int) -> Optional[SBOTerm]: try: sbo_string: str = libsbml.SBO_intToString(sbo_term) if len(sbo_string) == 0: return None return SBOTerm(sbo_string) except ValueError: return None def _getRefs(self, model, enzmldoc): if len(model.getAnnotationString()) == 0: return root = ET.fromstring(model.getAnnotationString())[0] for element in root: if "doi" in element.tag: enzmldoc.doi = element.text elif "pubmedID" in element.tag: enzmldoc.pubmedid = element.text elif "url" in element.tag: enzmldoc.url = element.text def _getCreators(self, omex_desc, enzmldoc) -> None: """Fetches all creators from an Combine archive's metadata. Args: omex_desc (OMEX obj): Combine metadata description. Returns: List[Creator]: Fetched list of creator objects. """ # Get the number of creators to iterate numCreators = omex_desc.getNumCreators() for i in range(numCreators): # Fetch creator information creator = omex_desc.getCreator(i) enzmldoc.addCreator( Creator( family_name=creator.getFamilyName(), given_name=creator.getGivenName(), mail=creator.getEmail(), ), log=False, ) def _getUnits(self, model: libsbml.Model) -> Dict[str, UnitDef]: """Fetches all the units present in the SBML model.^ Args: model (libsbml.Model): The SBML model from which the units are fetched. Returns: [type]: [description] """ unitDict = {} unitdef_list = model.getListOfUnitDefinitions() for unit in unitdef_list: # Get infos from the SBML model name = id = meta_id = unit.meta_id ontology = None # TODO get unit ontology # Create unit definition unitdef = UnitDef(name=name, id=id, ontology=ontology, meta_id=meta_id) for baseunit in unit.getListOfUnits(): # Construct unit definition with base units unitdef.addBaseUnit( kind=baseunit.toXMLNode().getAttrValue("kind"), exponent=baseunit.getExponentAsDouble(), scale=baseunit.getScale(), multiplier=baseunit.getMultiplier(), ) # Finally add the unit definition unitDict[id] = unitdef return unitDict def _getVessel( self, model: libsbml.Model, enzmldoc: "EnzymeMLDocument" ) -> Dict[str, Vessel]: """Fetches all the vessels/compartments present in the SBML model. Args: model (libsbml.Model): The SBML model from which the vessels are fetched. Returns: Dict[str, Vessel]: Corresponding vessel dictionary that has been converted. """ vessel_dict = {} compartments = model.getListOfCompartments() for compartment in compartments: name = compartment.getName() id = compartment.getId() # Set up dictionary for optional attributes params = {} if compartment.isSetVolume(): params["volume"] = compartment.getSize() params["_unit_id"] = compartment.getUnits() params["unit"] = enzmldoc.getUnitString(params["_unit_id"]) vessel = Vessel(name=name, id=id, **params) vessel._unit_id = params.get("_unit_id") vessel._enzmldoc = self.enzmldoc vessel_dict[] = vessel return vessel_dict def _getSpecies( self, model: libsbml.Model, enzmldoc: "EnzymeMLDocument" ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Protein], Dict[str, Reactant], Dict[str, Complex]]: # initialize dictionaries and get species protein_dict = {} reactant_dict = {} complex_dict = {} species_list = model.getListOfSpecies() for species in species_list: # Check if init conc is given init_conc = species.getInitialConcentration() unit_id = species.getSubstanceUnits() if repr(init_conc) == "nan": # Handle not existent init concs init_conc = None if unit_id: # Get unit string if given unit = enzmldoc.getUnitString(unit_id) else: unit = None # Get SBOTerm, but if there is none, give default ontology = self._sboterm_to_enum(species.getSBOTerm()) # Parse annotations and construct a kwargs dictionary param_dict = self._parseSpeciesAnnotation(species.getAnnotationString()) param_dict.update( { "id": species.getId(), "meta_id": species.getMetaId(), "vessel_id": species.getCompartment(), "name": species.getName(), "constant": species.getConstant(), "ontology": ontology, "init_conc": init_conc, "_unit_id": unit_id, "unit": unit, # Some attributes need special care "ecnumber": param_dict.get("e_cnumber"), "uniprotid": param_dict.get("uniprot_id"), "participants": param_dict.get("participant"), } ) # Get species factory from ontology try: # Current version uses SBOTerms to distinguish between entities species_factory = species_factory_mapping(param_dict["ontology"]) except ValueError: # Backwards compatibility to old documents that do not incorporate SBOTerms if param_dict["id"].startswith("s"): species_factory = species_factory_mapping( SBOTerm.SMALL_MOLECULE.value ) # Remove ontology to get the default param_dict.pop("ontology") elif param_dict["id"].startswith("p"): species_factory = species_factory_mapping(SBOTerm.PROTEIN.value) # Remove ontology to get the default param_dict.pop("ontology") else: raise ValueError( f"ID {param_dict['id']} is not supported. Please use either of these 'p|s|c'" ) # Use factory to get the species class species = species_factory.get_species(**param_dict) species._enzmldoc = self.enzmldoc if species_factory.enzymeml_part == "protein_dict": protein_dict[] = species elif species_factory.enzymeml_part == "reactant_dict": reactant_dict[] = species elif species_factory.enzymeml_part == "complex_dict": complex_dict[] = species return protein_dict, reactant_dict, complex_dict @staticmethod def _parseSpeciesAnnotation(annotationString): if len(annotationString) == 0: return dict() def camel_to_snake(name): name = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name) return re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", name).lower() speciesAnnot = ET.fromstring(annotationString)[0] # Initialize annotation dictionary param_dict = {} for enzymeMLAnnot in speciesAnnot: key = enzymeMLAnnot.tag.split("}")[-1] key = camel_to_snake(key) attribute = enzymeMLAnnot.text if key in param_dict: # Take care of list attributes try: param_dict[key].append(attribute) except AttributeError: param_dict[key] = [param_dict[key], attribute] continue param_dict[key] = attribute return param_dict def _getGlobalParameters(self, model: libsbml.Model, enzmldoc): """Fetches global parameters from the SBML model""" parameters = model.getListOfParameters() for parameter in parameters: parameter = self._parse_parameter(parameter, enzmldoc) parameter.is_global = True parameter._enzmldoc = self.enzmldoc enzmldoc.global_parameters[] = parameter def _getReactions( self, model: libsbml.Model, enzmldoc: "EnzymeMLDocument" ) -> Dict[str, EnzymeReaction]: # Get SBML list of reactions reactionsList = model.getListOfReactions() # Initialize reaction dictionary reaction_dict = {} # parse annotations and filter replicates for reaction in reactionsList: # Fetch conditions if reaction.getAnnotationString(): reactionAnnot = ET.fromstring(reaction.getAnnotationString())[0] conditions = self._parseConditions(reactionAnnot, enzmldoc) else: conditions = {} # Fetch Elements in SpeciesReference educts = self._getElements( reaction.getListOfReactants(), ontology=SBOTerm.SUBSTRATE ) products = self._getElements( reaction.getListOfProducts(), ontology=SBOTerm.PRODUCT ) modifiers = self._getElements( reaction.getListOfModifiers(), modifiers=True, ontology=SBOTerm.CATALYST ) # Get the ontology ontology = self._sboterm_to_enum(reaction.getSBOTerm()) if ontology is None: ontology = SBOTerm.BIOCHEMICAL_REACTION # Create object enzyme_reaction = EnzymeReaction(, meta_id="META_" +,, reversible=reaction.reversible, educts=educts, products=products, modifiers=modifiers, ontology=ontology, **conditions, ) # Check for kinetic model if reaction.getKineticLaw(): # Check if model exists kinetic_law = reaction.getKineticLaw() kinetic_model = self._getKineticModel(kinetic_law, enzmldoc) enzyme_reaction.model = kinetic_model # Add global parameters for name, global_parameter in enzmldoc.global_parameters.items(): # Keep a reference to the global paremeter if name in enzyme_reaction.model.equation: enzyme_reaction.model.parameters.append(global_parameter) # Add reaction to reaction_dict enzyme_reaction._enzmldoc = self.enzmldoc reaction_dict[] = enzyme_reaction return reaction_dict @staticmethod def _parseConditions( reactionAnnot: ET.Element, enzmldoc: "EnzymeMLDocument" ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, float]]: """Exracts the conditions present in the SBML reaction annotations. Args: reactionAnnot (ET.Element): The reaction annotation element. enzmldoc (EnzymeMLDocument): The EnzymeMLDocument against which the data will be validated. Returns: Dict[str, Union[str, float]]: Mapping for the conditions. """ # Get the conditions element conditions = reactionAnnot[0] condition_dict = {} for condition in conditions: # Sort all the conditions if "temperature" in condition.tag: # Get temperature conditions condition_dict["temperature"] = float(condition.attrib["value"]) # Parse unit ID to Unit string condition_dict["_temperature_unit_id"] = condition.attrib["unit"] condition_dict["temperature_unit"] = enzmldoc.getUnitString( condition_dict["_temperature_unit_id"] ) elif "ph" in condition.tag: # Get the pH value condition_dict["ph"] = float(condition.attrib["value"]) return condition_dict def _getElements( self, species_refs: List[libsbml.SpeciesReference], ontology: SBOTerm, modifiers: bool = False, ) -> List[ReactionElement]: """Extracts the speciesReference objects from the associated list and converts them to ReactionElements Args: species_refs (List[libsbml.SpeciesReference]): The species refrences for the reaction <-> Chemical reaction elements. modifiers (bool, optional): Used to override missing stoichiometry and constant for modifiers. Defaults to False. Returns: List[ReactionElement]: The list of reaction elements. """ reaction_elements = [] for species_ref in species_refs: species_id = species_ref.getSpecies() stoichiometry = 1.0 if modifiers else species_ref.getStoichiometry() constant = True if modifiers else species_ref.getConstant() sbo_term = libsbml.SBO_intToString(species_ref.getSBOTerm()) if sbo_term: ontology = SBOTerm(sbo_term) reaction_elements.append( ReactionElement( species_id=species_id, stoichiometry=stoichiometry, constant=constant, ontology=ontology, ) ) return reaction_elements def _getKineticModel( self, kineticLaw: libsbml.KineticLaw, enzmldoc: "EnzymeMLDocument" ) -> KineticModel: """Extracts a kinetic rate law from the SBML data model. Args: kineticLaw (libsbml.KineticLaw): The kinetic law to be extracted. enzmldoc (EnzymeMLDocument): The EnzymeMLDocument to which the kinetic law will be added. Returns: KineticModel: Teh resulting kinetic model. """ # Extract metadata name = kineticLaw.getName() equation = kineticLaw.getFormula() ontology = self._sboterm_to_enum(kineticLaw.getSBOTerm()) # Get local parameters parameters = [] for local_param in kineticLaw.getListOfLocalParameters(): parameter = self._parse_parameter(local_param, enzmldoc) if in enzmldoc.global_parameters: parameters.append(enzmldoc.global_parameters[]) else: parameters.append(parameter) return KineticModel( name=name, equation=equation, parameters=parameters, ontology=ontology ) def _parse_parameter(self, parameter, enzmldoc): """Parses a paramater and converts it to a KineticParameter instance""" # TODO refactor here value = parameter.getValue() unit_id = parameter.getUnits() annotation = parameter.getAnnotationString() param_dict = self._parseSpeciesAnnotation(annotation) if unit_id: param_dict["unit"] = enzmldoc.getUnitString(unit_id) if parameter.__class__.__name__ == "LocalParameter": constant = False else: constant = parameter.getConstant() if repr(parameter.getValue()) == "nan": value = None nu_param = KineticParameter( name=parameter.getId(), value=value, unit=param_dict.get("unit"), ontology=self._sboterm_to_enum(parameter.getSBOTerm()), initial_value=param_dict.get("initial_value"), upper=param_dict.get("upperbound"), lower=param_dict.get("lowerbound"), stdev=param_dict.get("stdev"), constant=constant, ) nu_param._enzmldoc = self.enzmldoc if unit_id: nu_param._unit_id = parameter.getUnits() return nu_param def _getData( self, model: libsbml.Model, enzmldoc: "EnzymeMLDocument" ) -> Dict[str, Measurement]: """Retrieves all available measurements found in the EnzymeML document. Args: model (libsbml.Model): The SBML model from which the measurements are feteched, Returns: Dict[str, Measurement]: Mapping from measurement ID to the associated object. """ # Parse EnzymeML:format annotation reactions = model.getListOfReactions() annotation_string = reactions.getAnnotationString() # Guard clause for when there is no data if annotation_string == "": return {} # Parse annotation to an ElementTree data_annotation = ET.fromstring(annotation_string)[0] # Fetch measurements measurement_dict, measurement_files = self._parseListOfMeasurements( data_annotation, enzmldoc=enzmldoc ) # Iterate over measurements and assign replicates for measurement_id, measurement_file in measurement_files.items(): # Fetch list of files files = self._parseListOfFiles(data_annotation) # Fetch formats formats = self._parseListOfFormats(data_annotation) # Get file content fileInfo = files[measurement_file] file_content = self.archive.extractEntryToString(fileInfo["file"]) csvFile = pd.read_csv(StringIO(file_content), header=None) # Get format data and extract time column measurement_format = formats[fileInfo["format"]] time, time_unit_id = [ (csvFile.iloc[:, int(column["index"])].tolist(), column["unit"]) for column in measurement_format if column["type"] == "time" ][0] measurement_dict[measurement_id]._global_time_unit_id = time_unit_id # Create replicate objects for format in measurement_format: if format["type"] != "time": # Get time course data data = csvFile.iloc[:, int(format["index"])].tolist() reactant_id = format["species"] replicate_id = format["replica"] data_type = DataTypes(format["type"]) data_unit_id = format["unit"] is_calculated = format["isCalculated"] replicate = Replicate( id=replicate_id, species_id=reactant_id, data_type=data_type, measurement_id=measurement_id, data_unit=enzmldoc.unit_dict[data_unit_id].name, time_unit=enzmldoc.unit_dict[time_unit_id].name, data=data, time=time, is_calculated=is_calculated, ) replicate._data_unit_id = data_unit_id replicate._time_unit_id = time_unit_id replicate._enzmldoc = self.enzmldoc measurement_dict[measurement_id].addReplicates( replicate, log=False, enzmldoc=enzmldoc ) return measurement_dict def _parseListOfFiles( self, data_annotation: ET.Element ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: """Extracts the list of files that are present in the annotation enzymeml:files. Args: data_annotation (ET.Element): ElementTree object containing the enzymeml:files annotation. Returns: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: Dictionary of all files present in the annotation. """ return { file.attrib["id"]: { "file": file.attrib["file"], "format": file.attrib["format"], "id": file.attrib["id"], } for file in self._get_element(data_annotation, "files") } def _parseListOfFormats(self, data_annotation: ET.Element) -> Dict[str, List[dict]]: """Extracts the list of formats that areb present in the annotation enzymeml:formats. Args: data_annotation (ET.Element): ElementTree object containing the enzymeml:files annotation. Returns: Dict[str, List[dict]]: Dictionary of all the formats present in the annotation. """ return { format.attrib["id"]: [column.attrib for column in format] for format in self._get_element(data_annotation, "formats") } def _parseListOfMeasurements( self, data_annotation: ET.Element, enzmldoc: "EnzymeMLDocument" ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Measurement], dict]: """Extracts teh list of measurements that are present in the annotation enzymeml:measurements. Args: data_annotation (ET.Element): ElementTree object containing the enzymeml:measurements annotation. Returns: tuple[Dict[str, dict], Dict[str, Measurement]]: Two dictionaries returning the measurement objects and files. """ measurements = self._get_element(data_annotation, "listOfMeasurements") if measurements is None: # There was a typo and it should be catched here measurements = self._get_element(data_annotation, "listOfMasurements") measurement_files = { measurement.attrib["id"]: measurement.attrib["file"] for measurement in measurements if measurement.attrib.get("file") } measurement_dict = { measurement.attrib["id"]: self._parseMeasurement( measurement, enzmldoc=enzmldoc ) for measurement in measurements } return (measurement_dict, measurement_files) def _parseMeasurement( self, measurement: ET.Element, enzmldoc: "EnzymeMLDocument" ) -> Measurement: """Extracts individual initial concentrations of a measurement. Args: measurement (ET.Element): Measurement XML information Returns: Measurement: Initialized measurement object. """ # Get conditions (temp, ph) temperature = measurement.attrib.get("temperature_value") temperature_unit = measurement.attrib.get("temperature_unit") ph = measurement.attrib.get("ph") # Get the unit string of temp if given if temperature_unit: temperature_unit = enzmldoc.getUnitString(temperature_unit) # initialize Measurement object measurement_object = Measurement( name=measurement.attrib["name"], temperature=temperature, temperature_unit=temperature_unit, ph=ph, ) = measurement.attrib["id"] temperature_unit_id = measurement.attrib.get("temperature_unit") measurement_object._temperature_unit_id = temperature_unit_id measurement_object._enzmldoc = self.enzmldoc for init_conc_element in measurement: params, unit_id = self._parse_init_conc_element(init_conc_element, enzmldoc) measurement_object.addData(**params, log=False) if params["reactant_id"]: meas_data = measurement_object.getReactant(params["reactant_id"]) elif params["protein_id"]: meas_data = measurement_object.getProtein(params["protein_id"]) else: raise ValueError("Neither 'reactant_id' nor 'protein_id' are defined") meas_data._unit_id = unit_id meas_data._enzmldoc = self.enzmldoc return measurement_object @staticmethod def _parse_init_conc_element(element: ET.Element, enzmldoc): """Parses initial concentration data of a measurement. Args: element (ET.Element): Element containing information about the initial concentration and species. Raises: KeyError: If there is neither a protein nor reactant ID. """ value = float(element.attrib["value"]) # Convert the unit ID to the corresponding SI string unit_id = element.attrib["unit"] unit = enzmldoc.unit_dict[unit_id].name reactant_id = None protein_id = None if "reactant" in element.attrib.keys(): reactant_id = element.attrib["reactant"] elif "protein" in element.attrib.keys(): protein_id = element.attrib["protein"] else: raise KeyError("Neither reactant or protein ID defined.") return { "init_conc": float(value), "unit": unit, "reactant_id": reactant_id, "protein_id": protein_id, }, unit_id @staticmethod def _get_element(tree: ET.Element, name: str): for element in tree.iter("*"): if name.lower() in element.tag.lower(): return element return None def _getFiles(self, enzmldoc): """Extracts all added files fro the archive. Args: archive (CombineArchive): The OMEX archive to extract files from. enzmldoc (EnzymeMLDocument): The EnzymeMLDocument to add files to. """ # Iterate over enries and extract files for file_location in self.archive.getAllLocations(): file_location = str(file_location) if "./files/" in file_location: # Convert raw file to file_handle file_handle = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() = os.path.basename(file_location) # Write file to temporary file path = f"./{}" self.archive.extractEntry(file_location, path) with open(path, "rb") as f: file_handle.write( # Add the file to the EnzymeMLDocument enzmldoc.addFile(file_handle=file_handle) # Remove the temporary file os.remove(path)